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تفاصيل المنتج

العلاج الأسبوعي للاستخدام قبل الشامبو يمنع التلف للحصول على شعر أقوى وأكثر صحة بعد استخدام واحد فقط. ليس بلسمًا أو قناعًا أو علاجًا بالبروتين - Nº.3 Hair Perfector ™ هو منشئ روابط مبتكر لإصلاح الضرر حيث يبدأ على المستوى الجزيئي. هذا هو السبب في أن مصممي الزجاجة والمحررين والباحثين عن الشعر الصحي يجزمون بالنتيجة المرضية. تعيد أوبليكس تكنولوجيا بناء الروابط الحاصلة على براءة اختراع بناء روابط ثنائي الكبريتيد المكسورة لاستعادة القوة لشعر أكثر صحة بشكل واضح. الفوائد الرئيسية: - يصلح ويمنع التلف - يبدو الشعر أكثر صحة شكلاً وملمساً - يقلل من تكسر وتقصف الأطراف
اعرف المزيد

طريقة الاستعمال

قبل استخدام الشامبو ، بللي الشعر وضعي Nº3 Hair Perfector ™ من الجذور إلى الأطراف. اتركيه لمدة 10 دقائق لأقصى تأثير. اشطفي جيدًا ثم اغسليه بالشامبو وبلسم.

Olaplex is a popular brand of hair care products that are designed to protect and repair hair, particularly when it is subjected to damage from chemical treatments, heat styling, and other environmental factors. Olaplex products are known for their patented active ingredient, Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, which is intended to help strengthen and rebuild damaged hair. The key benefits of Olaplex products include: -Hair Repair: Olaplex is often used during chemical treatments, such as hair coloring or bleaching, to minimize damage and maintain the integrity of the hair's structure. -Strength and Elasticity: It helps to increase the strength and elasticity of the hair, reducing breakage and split ends. -Color Retention: Olaplex can help hair color last longer and appear more vibrant by repairing the hair shaft. -Overall Hair Health: Regular use of Olaplex products can contribute to improved hair health and appearance, making it look shinier and feel smoother. Olaplex products numbered from No. 0 to No. 7: Olaplex No. 0: Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment (Olaplex N°0) - This is often used as a pre-treatment before using Olaplex No. 3. It contains the highest concentration of Olaplex's patented active ingredient to prime the hair for deep repair. Olaplex No. 1: Bond Multiplier (used in salons) - Olaplex No. 1 is typically used in professional salon settings during chemical processes like hair coloring or bleaching. It helps to minimize damage and strengthen hair bonds. Olaplex No. 2: Bond Perfector (used in salons) - Olaplex No. 2 is applied in salons after Olaplex No. 1 to further repair and strengthen hair. It is part of the in-salon treatment process. Olaplex No. 3: Hair Perfector (Olaplex N°3) - Olaplex No. 3 is a take-home treatment for consumers. It's designed to be used once a week to maintain and enhance the results achieved in the salon. It helps repair and strengthen the hair. Olaplex No. 4: Bond Maintenance Shampoo (Olaplex N°4) - This is a shampoo designed to repair and protect hair while gently cleansing. It's suitable for all hair types. Olaplex No. 5: Bond Maintenance Conditioner (Olaplex N°5) - This is a conditioner that complements the shampoo and continues to repair and hydrate the hair. Olaplex No. 6: Bond Smoother (Olaplex N°6) - Olaplex No. 6 is a leave-in styling cream that helps reduce frizz, hydrate, and protect the hair from heat styling. Olaplex No. 7: Bonding Oil (Olaplex N°7) - Olaplex No. 7 is a lightweight hair oil that provides heat protection, reduces frizz, and adds shine. It can be used on wet or dry hair.