Top treatments to try at home

07 January 2023 | By: FACES Team

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After a busy week, there’s no better way to unwind than to treat yourself to an evening of beauty pampering. So sit back, relax and read on to find out more about the best treatments for skin, hair and body.

Show your hair some love!

Start by applying a nourishing hair mask that targets frizz and damaged hair. Top tip: comb the product through your hair to distribute evenly and cover with a shower cap to enhance results. Leave the mask on as long as possible to get maximum benefits.


Complexion goals

A face mask is always a good idea. Select a face mask based on your skin needs and in just 20 mins your skin will look good and feel great. Whether you want to hydrate your skin, reduce fine lines or minimize pores, you’ll find a mask that will work for you at FACES.


Strong, healthy nails

Everyday activities, such as washing our hands and using hand sanitizers can dry out nails and leave them prone to breaking, but no worries, we’ve got your back with our nail treatments.

Body TLC

Use a body scrub weekly to help remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs. This will leave your skin smooth and ready to absorb the full benefits of your body lotion. Massage the lotion into skin in upward movements to relax and rehydrate

Just a Few Steps Away From Healthy, Beautiful Skin

These six steps represent all the basic day-to-day care your skin needs to be at its best. Taking time to choose products ideally suited to your skin type will also result in a glowier, more youthful complexion. 

With FACES, you can find all the featured products above and more, including extra treats like masks and exfoliants to give your skin a helping hand.

Why not start the search for your ultimate routine now?  

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Nadeen Moubarak


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